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поздняя античность, раннее средневековье, Римская империя, Византия, историографии, историческая наука

Ващева И.Ю.

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Библиографический список
1 . Giardina A. Esplosione di tardoantico // Studi Storici. Vol. 40. 1999. P. 157-180.
2 . Селунская Н.А. «Late Antiquity»: историческая концепция, историографическая традиция и семинар «Empires Unlimited» // ВДИ. 2005. № 1. С. 249-253.
3 . Гиббон Э. История упадка и разрушения Римской империи. СПб.: Наука, 1997. Т. 1-6.
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32 . Cameron Averil. Changing Cultures in Early Byzantium. Variorum. Aldershot, 1996. II.
33 . Cameron Averil. Continuity and Change in the sixth Century. Variorum. Gr.Yarmouth, 1981. X.
34 . Cameron Averil. Models of the Past in the late sixth Century: The Life of the patriarch Eutychius // Reading the Past in Late Antiquity. Ed. By G. Clarke. Australian National University Press, 1990. P. 205-223. Reprinted in: Averil Cameron. Changing Cultures in Early Byzantium. Variorum. Aldershot, 1996. II.
35 . Haldon J. Byzantium in the Seventh Century: The Transformation of a Culture. Cambridge, 1990.
36 . History and Historians in Late Antiquity. Ed. by Br. Croke and A.M. Emmeth. Pergamon Press. Sydney, 1983.
37 . Kaster R. Guardians of Language: The Grammarian and Society in Late Antiquity. Berkeley, 1988.
38 . Late Antiquity. A Guide to the Postclassical World. Ed. by G.W. Bowersock, P, Brown, O. Grabar. Cambridge Mass., 1999.
39 . Liebeschuetz J.H.W.G. From Diocletian to the Arab Conquest: change in the late Roman Empire. Aldershot, 1990.
40 . Maas Michael. John Lydus and the Roman Past. Antiquariansm and politics in the age of Justinian. London - New York, 1992.
41 . Reading the Past in Late Antiquity. Ed. by Gr. Clarke with Br. Croke, R. Mortley. Australian National University Press, Canberra, 1990.
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43 . The Sixth Century: End or Beginning. Ed. by P. Allen and El. Jeffreys. Brisbane, 1996. The Sixth Century: Production, Distribution and Demand. Ed. by Hodges R. and Bowden W. Leiden-Brill, 1998.
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45 . Kaldellis A. Procopius of Caesarea: tyranny, history and philosophy at the end of antiquity. Philadelphia, 2004.
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47 . Momigliano A. historiography of Religion: Western Views // Momigliano A. On pagans, Jews and Christians. Wesley University Press, Middletown, Connecticut, 1987. P. 11-30.
48 . Momigliano A. Pagan and Christian Historiography in the Fourth Century A.D. // Momigliano A. Essays in Ancient and Modern Historiography. Oxford, 1977. P. 107-126.
49 . Momigliano A. The origins of Universal History // Momigliano A. On pagans, Jews and Christians. Wesley University Press, Middletown, Connecticut, 1987. P. 31-57.
50 . Momigliano A. Time in Ancient Historiography // Momigliano A. Essays in Ancient and Modern Historiography. Oxford, 1977. P. 179-205.
51 . Momigliano A. Tradition and Classical Historian // Momigliano A. Essays in Ancient and Modern Historiography. Oxford, 1977. P. 161-179.
52 . Momigliano A. Cassiodorus and Italian Culture of His Time // Momigliano A. Studies in Historiography. London, 1966. P. 181-210; или Proceeding of the British Academy. Vol. XLI. London, 1955. P. 207-245.
53 . Cameron, Averil. The 'long' late antiquity: a late twentieth-century model // Classics in progress. Essays on ancient Greece and Rome. Ed. by T.P. Wiseman. Oxford-NY., 2002.
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98 . Селунская Н.А. Осень Средневековья и Поздняя Античность: как антиковеды с медиевистами историю делили // Диалог со временем. 13. 2004.
99 . Курбатов Г.Л., Лебедева Г.Е. Византия: Проблемы перехода от античности к феодализму. Л., 1984.
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101 . Уколова В.И. Античное наследие и культура раннего средневековья. М., 1989.
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103 . Шкаренков П.П. «Variae» Кассиодора в контексте позднеантичной интеллектуальной культуры // Диалог со временем. 2. 2000.