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балтийские исследования, научная база американской внешней политики, национализм

Короткова М.В.

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Короткова М.В.
Нижегородский госуниверситет им. Н.И. Лобачевского

Проанализированы наработки Ассоциации по содействию прогрессу балтийских исследований, организации-координатора изучения региона не только в Соединенных Штатах, но и в целом на Западе. При этом определены те аспекты проблемы, в аналитической разработке которых были заинтересованы американские внешнеполитические ведомства.

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Библиографический список
1 . Vardys V.S. The partisan movement in postwar Lithuania // Lithuania under the Soviets. Portrait of nation, 1940-1965 / Ed. by V.S. Vardys. N.Y. - Washington - L.: Praeger, 1965. P. 85-108.
2 . Silde A. Resistance movement in Latvia. Stockholm: Latvian national foundation, 1985. 95 p.
3 . Parming T. Nationalism in Soviet Estonia since 1964 // Nationalism in the USSR and Eastern Europe in the era of Brezhnev and Kosygin. Papers and proceedings of the symposium held at university of Detroit on October 3-4, 1975 / Ed. by G.W. Simmonds. Detroit: University of Detroit press, 1977. P. 116-134.
4 . Dreifelds J. Latvian national demands and group consciousness since 1959 // Nationalism in the USSR and Eastern Europe in the era of Brezhnev and Kosygin. Papers and proceedings of the symposium held at university of Detroit on October 3-4, 1975 / Ed. by G.W. Simmonds. Detroit: University of Detroit press, 1977. P. 136-156.
5 . Penikis J. Latvian nationalism: Preface to a dissenting view // Nationalism in the USSR and Eastern Europe in the era of Brezhnev and Kosygin. Papers and proceedings of the symposium held at university of Detroit on October 3-4, 1975 / Ed. by G.W. Simmonds. Detroit: University of Detroit press, 1977. P. 157-161.
6 . Remeikis T. Political developments in Lithuania during the Brezhnev era // Nationalism in the USSR and Eastern Europe in the era of Brezhnev and Kosygin. Papers and proceedings of the symposium held at university of Detroit on October 3-4, 1975 / Ed. by G.W. Simmonds. Detroit: University of Detroit press, 1977. P. 164-180.
7 . Remeikis T. Modernization and national identity in the Baltic republics: Uneven and multi-directional change in the components of modernization // Nationalism and human rights: Processes of modernization in the USSR / Ed. by I. Kamenetsky. Littleton: Libraries unlimited, 1977. P. 115-138.
8 . Allworth E. Flexible defenses of a nationality // Nationality group survival in multi-ethnic states: Shifting support patterns in the Soviet Baltic region / Ed. by E. Allworth. N.Y. - L.: Praeger, 1977. P. 1-23.
9 . Taagepera R. Nationalism, collaborationism, and new leftism // A Case study of a Soviet republic. The Estonian SSR / Eds. by T. Parming, E. Jarvesso. Boulder: Westview press, 1978. P. 75-103.
10 . Vardys V.S. Human rights issues in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania // Journal of Baltic studies. 1981. Vol. XII. № 3. P. 275-298.
11 . Conquest R. Editor's foreword // The Last empire: Nationality and the Soviet future / Ed. by R. Conquest. Stanford: Hoover institution press, 1986. P. ix-xi.
12 . Shtromas A. The Baltic States // The Last empire: Nationality and the Soviet future / Ed. by R. Conquest. Stanford: Hoover institution press, 1986. P. 183-217.