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94 "04/14"+ 82.091
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рецепция культурного наследия античности, средневековая латинская литература, Троянская война, Ричард Мэйдстоун, к

Маслов А.Н.

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Маслов А.Н.
Нижегородский госуниверситет им. Н.И. Лобачевского

Рассматриваются вопросы интерпретации латинской поэмы Ричарда Мэйдстоуна, которая посвя- щена так называемому примирению английского короля Ричарда II с горожанами Лондона в августе 1392 г. Основное внимание уделено различным вариантам толкования троянских аллюзий и их роли в пропагандистском дискурсе позднесредневекового поэта.

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Библиографический список
1 . Benson C. D. The History of Troy in Middle Eng- lish Literature. Woodbridge: Brewer, 1980. 174 p.
2 . Patterson L. Negotiating the Past: The Historical Understanding of Medieval Literature. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1987. xiv, 239 p.
3 . Patterson L. Chaucer and the Subject of History. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1991. 489 p.
4 . Simpson J. The Other Book of Troy: Guido delle
5 . Colonne?s Historia destuctionis Troiae in Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century England // Speculum. 1998. Vol. 73. No. 2. P. 397-423.
6 . Kallendorf C. The Other Virgil: „Pessimistic? Readings of the Aeneid in Early Modern Culture. Oxford
7 . N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 2007. xiv, 252 p.
8 . Liu S. A Regnal Genealogy in Trouble: The Trojan Myth as a Traumatic National Historiography in Medieval England. PhD Diss. Indiana University, 2011. 190 p.
9 . Alliterative Poem on the Deposition of Richard II. Ricardi Maydiston de concordia inter Ric. II et civitatem London / Ed. by T. Wright. London: J. B. Nichols & Son, 1838. viii, 64 p.
10 . Political Poems and Songs Relating to English
11 . History Composed during the Period from the Accession of Edw. III to that of Ric. III. / Ed. by T. Wright. Vol. I. London: Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, 1859. civ, 462 p.
12 . Smith Ch. R. Concordia: Facta inter Regem Ric- cardum II et Civitatem Londonie per Fratrum Riccar- dum Maydiston, Carmelitam, Sacre Theologie Doctorem, Anno Domine 1393 / Ed. with Introduction, Transl., and Notes: PhD Diss. Princeton University, 1972. x, 241 p.
13 . Richard Maidstone. Concordia (The Reconcilia- tion of Richard II with London) / Ed. by D.R. Carlson with a verse transl. by A.G. Rigg. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 2003. viii, 136 p.
14 . Richard Maidstone: Concordia (The Reconci- liation of Richard II with London) / Ed. by D. R. Carlson with a verse transl. by A.G. Rigg. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://d.lib.rochester.edu/ teams/public- cation/carlson-and-rigg-maidstone-concordia.
15 . Rigg A.G. A History of Anglo-Latin Literature, 1066-1422. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. xviii, 414 p.
16 . Barron C. M. The Quarrel of Richard II with London 1392-97 // The Reign of Richard II: Essays in Honour of May McKisack / Ed. by F.R.H. du Boulay,
17 . C. M. Barron. London - New York: Oxford University Press, 1971. P. 173-201.
18 . Bird R. The Turbulent London of Richard II.London: Longmans, Green & Co, 1949. 156 p.
19 . Barron C. M. Riсhard II and London // Rich- ard II: The Art of Kingship. Oxford - New York, 1999. P. 129-154.
20 . Kipling G. Enter the King: Theatre, Liturgy, and Ritual in the Medieval Civic Triumph. Oxford - New York: Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1998. xvi, 393 p.
21 . Manley L. Literature and Culture in Early Modern London. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. xvi, 603 p.
22 . Suggett H. A Letter Describing Richard II?s Re- conciliation with the City of London, 1392 // English Historical Review. Vol. 62. No. 243 (April 1947).P. 212-213.
23 . The Westminster Chronicle 1381-1394 / Ed. and trans. by L. C. Hector and B.F. Harvey. Oxford - N.Y.: Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1982. lxxvii, 563 p.
24 . Knighton?s Chronicle 1337-1396 / Ed. and trans. by G. H. Martin. Oxford - New York: Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1995. lxxxix, 593 p.
25 . The Brut, or, The Chronicles of England / Ed. by F. W. D. Brie. Vol. 2. L.: Paul, Trench, Tr?bner & Co, 1908. xvii. 607 p.
26 . The St Albans Chronicle, Vol. 1. 1376-1394: The Chronica Maiora of Thomas Walsingham / Ed. and trans. by J. Taylor, W. R. Childs, L. Watkiss. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2003. 1150 p.
27 . Liddy C. D. The Rhetoric of the Royal Chamber
28 . in Late Medieval London, York and Coventry // Urban History. 2002. Vol. 29. No. 3. P. 323-349.
29 . The Minor Poems of John Lydgate / Ed. by
30 . H. N. MacCracken. Vol. 2. London: Oxford University Press, 1934. vii, [379]-847 p.
31 . Clark J. Trinovantum: The Evolution of a Legend // Journal of Medieval History. 1981. Vol. 7. P. 135-151.
32 . Ingledew F. The Book of Troy and the Genealogical Construction of History: The Case of Geoffrey of
33 . Monmouth?s Historia Regum Britanniae // Speculum. 1994. Vol. 69. No. 3. P. 665-704
34 . Калмыкова Е. В. Мифы о Бруте и о древней- шем заселении Британии в английской исторической мысли XV-XVI вв. // Миф в культуре Возрождения / Под ред. Л. М. Брагиной. М., 2003. С. 285-293.
35 . Beno?t de Sainte-Maure. Le Roman de Troie / Publ. par L. Constans. Vol. 1. Paris: F. Didot, 1904. xii, 464 p.
36 . Guido de Columnis. Historia destructionis Troiae/ Ed. by N. E. Griffin. Cambridge (Mass.): The Mediae- val Academy of America, 1936. xviii, 293 p.
37 . Lydgate?s Troy Book / Ed. by H. Bergen. Vol. 1.P. 1. L.: Paul, Trench, Tr?bner & Co, 1906. xx, 394 p.
38 . Ле Гофф Ж. Пустыня-лес на средневековом Западе // Средневековый мир воображаемого / Пер. с фр. Общ. ред. С.К. Цатуровой. М., 2001. С. 85-104.
39 . Rigg A. G. Anglo-Latin in the Ricardian Age // Essays on Ricardian Literature in Honour of J. A. Burrow. Oxford, 1997. P. 121-141.
40 . Staley L. Gower, Richard II, Henry of Derby, and the Business of Making Culture // Speculum. 2000. Vol. 75. No. 1. P. 68-96.
41 . Chambers E. K. The mediaeval Stage. Vol. 2. London: Oxford University Press, 1903. vii, 480 p.
42 . Withington R. English Pageantry: An Historical Outline. Vol. 1. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 1918. 254 p.
43 . Unwin G. The Gilds and Companies of London. London: Methuen & Co., 1908. xviii, 398 p.
44 . Wickham G. Early English Stages. Vol. 1. 1300-1600. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1959. 428 p.
45 . Saul N. Richard II and the Vocabulary of King- ship // The English Historical Review. 1995. Vol. 110. No. 438. P. 854-877.
46 . The Anonimalle Chronicle 1333 to 1381 / Ed.V. H. Galbraith. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1927. xlix, 216 p.
47 . Lancashire A. Early London Pageantry and Thea- ter History Firsts // Shakespeare Studies. 2002. Vol. 30. P. 84-92.
48 . Robertson D. W. Chaucer?s London. New York - London - Sydney - Toronto: John Wiley & Sons, 1968. xii, 241 p.
49 . Federico S. Old Stories and New Trojans: The Gendered Construction of English Historical Identity: PhD Diss. Indiana University, 1997. 230 p.
50 . Federico S. A Fourteenth-Century Erotics of Politics: London as a Feminine New Troy // Studies in the Age of Chaucer. 1997. Vol. 19. P. 121-155.
51 . Federico S. New Troy: Fantasies of Empire in the Late Middle Ages. Minneapolis: University of Minneso- ta Press, 2003. xxiv, 207 p.
52 . Hanrahan M. Defamation as Political Contest during the Reign of Richard II // Medium Aevum. 2003. Vol. 72. No. 2. P. 259-276.
53 . Wilcox K. G. Chaucer and the Politics of Pen- ance: PhD Diss. University of Nevada, 2005. 196 p.
54 . Turner M. Chaucerian Conflict: Languages of Antagonism in Late Fourteenth-Century London. Oxford
55 . New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. x, 213 p.
56 . Federico S. Queer Times: Richard II in the Po- ems and Chronicles of Late Fourteenth-Century England// Medium Aevum. 2010. Vol. 78. No. 2. P. 25-46.
57 . The “Gest hystoriale” of the destruction of Troy: an alliterative romance tr. from Guido de Colonna?s “Hys- toria Troiana” / Ed. by G.A. Panton, and D. Donaldson. 2 Vols. London: Tr?bner & Co, 1869-1874.
58 . Luttrell C. A. Three North-West Midland Manu- scripts // Neophilologus. 1958. Vol. 42. P. 38-50.
59 . Benson C. D. A Chaucerian Allusion and the Date of the Alliterative “Destruction of Troy” // Notes and Queries. 1974. Vol. 219. P. 206-207.
60 . Turville-Petre Th. The Author of the „Destruc- tion of Troy? // Medium Aevum. 1988. Vol. 57. P. 264- 269.
61 . Wilson E. John Clerk, Author of „The Destruction of Troy? // Notes and Queries. 1990. Vol. 37. P. 391-396.
62 . Andrew S. O. „Wars of Alexander? and „Destruc- tion of Troy? // Review of English Studies. 1929. Vol. 5. P. 267-272.