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романизация, Римская империя, римские провинции, глобализация, методология исследования

Барышников А.Е.

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Барышников А.Е.
Калужский государственный университет им. К.Э. Циолковского, Калуга

Даётся критический обзор июньского номера «Археологических диалогов», в котором - благодаря работе М.Дж. Верслауса - вновь поднята проблема романизации как термина и концепта исторического исследования. Голландский учёный предлагает новый подход к изучению культурных трансформаций Империи, основанный на идее глобализации (уже апробированной в медиевистике) и приоритетном значении изучения артефактов, их «генеалогий» и путей перемещения. Критический анализ тезисов М.Дж. Верслауса и публикаций-откликов позволяет согласиться, что применение подобного подхода может дать интересные результаты. Однако его не стоит превращать в панацею: для более полного и глубокого понимания культурных процессов, происходивших в Римском мире, нужно применять и другие подходы. В целом статья М.Дж. Верслауса (и вместе с ней вся дискуссия, опубликованная в «Археологических диалогах») не только способствует некоторой реабилитации термина «романизация», но и открывает новый этап в осмыслении концептов и методов изученияпровинций Империи.

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Библиографический список
1 . Rothe U. Romanization // The Encyclopedia of Ancient History / R.S. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C.B. Champion, A. Erskine, S. Huebner (eds.). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. P. 5875-5881.
2 . Барышников А.Е. Римская Британия и проблема романизации: кризис традиционной концепции и дискуссия о новых подходах в современном английском антиковедении // Вестник ННГУ. 2012. Вып. 6 (3). С. 200-211.
3 . Terrenato N. The Romanization of Italy: global acculturation or cultural bricolage? // TRAC 97: Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Nottingham 1997 / C. Forcey, J. Hawthorne, R. Witcher (ed.). Oxford: Oxbow books, 1998. P. 20-27.
4 . Italy and the West. Comparative Issues in Romanization / S. Keay, N. Terrenato (ed.). Oxford: Oxbow books, 2001.
5 . Barrett J.C. Romanization: a critical comment // Dialogues in Roman Imperialism / D.J. Mattingly (ed.). Portsmouth, Rhode Island: Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series 23, 1997. P. 51-66.
6 . Mattingly D. An Imperial Possession. Britain in the Roman Empire. L., Penguin books, 2007.
7 . Terrenato N. Patterns of cultural change in Roman Italy. Non-elite religion and the defense of cultural self-consistency // Religi?se Vielfalt und soziale Integration. Die Bedeutung der Religion f?r die kulturelle Identit?t und die politische Stabilit?t im republikanischen Italien / M. Jehne, B. Linke, J. Rupke (ed.). Dresden: Verlag Antike, 2013. S. 43-60.
8 . Mullen A. Linguistic Evidence for ‘Romanization’: Continuity and Change in Romano-British Onomastics: A Study of the Epigraphic Record with Particular Reference to Bath // Britannia. 2007. V. 38. P. 35-61.
9 . Ivleva T.A. Britons Abroad. The mobility of Britons and the circulation of British-made objects in the Roman Empire. Ph.D. diss. Leiden University, 2012.
10 . Versluys M.J. Understanding objects in motion. An archaeological dialogue on Romanization // Archaeological Dialogues. A Journal for Debating Contemporary Archaeology. 2014. V. 21.1. P. 1-20.
11 . Archaeological Dialogues. A Journal for Debating Contemporary Archaeology. 2014. V. 21.1.
12 . Slofstra I. Batavians and Romans on the Lower Rhine. The Romanisation of a Frontier Area // Archaeological Dialogues. 2012. V. 9. P. 16-38.
13 . Wallace-Hadrill A. Rome’s Cultural Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
14 . Woolf G. Beyond Romans and Natives // World Archaeology. 1997. V. 28. P. 339-350.
15 . Woolf G. Becoming Roman. The origins of provincial civilization in Gaul. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
16 . Horden P., Purcell N. The Corrupting Sea. A Study of Mediterranean History. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2000.
17 . Gardner A. Thinking about Roman Imperialism: Postcolonialism, Globalisation and Beyond? // Britannia. 2013. V. 44. P. 1-25.
18 . Pitts M. Globalizing the local in Roman Britain: an anthropological approach to social change // Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 2008. V. 27. P. 493-506.
19 . Hingley R. Struggling with Roman Inheritance. A Response to Versluys // Archaeological Dialogues. A Journal for Debating Contemporary Archaeology. 2014. V. 21.1. P. 20-24.
20 . Hingley R. Globalizing Roman Culture. Unity, Diversity and Empire. L. - N.Y.: Routledge, 2005.
21 . Hingley R. Recreating Coherence Without Reinventing Romanization // Romanization? Digressus. The Internet Journal for the Classical World. Suppl. 1 / A.D. Merryweather, J.R.W. Prag (eds.). 2003. P. 111-119.
22 . Hodos T. Stage Settings for a Connected Scene. Globalization and Material-culture Studies in the Early First-millenium B.C.E. Mediterranean // Archaeological Dialogues. A Journal for Debating Contemporary Archaeology. 2014. V. 21.1. P. 24-30.
23 . Stek T. Roman Imperialism, Globalization and Romanization in Early Roman Italy. Research Questions in Archaeology and Ancient History // Archaeological Dialogues. A Journal for Debating Contemporary Archaeology. 2014. V. 21.1. P. 30-40.
24 . Gell A. Art and Agency. An Anthropological Theory. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.
25 . Van Dommelen P. Fetishizing the Romans // Archaeological Dialogues. A Journal for Debating Contemporary Archaeology. 2014. V. 21.1. P. 41-45.
26 . Woolf G. Romanization 2.0 and Its Alternatives // Archaeological Dialogues. A Journal for Debating Contemporary Archaeology. 2014. V. 21.1. P. 45-50.
27 . Versluys M.J. 2014a: Getting out of the Comfort Zone. Reply to responses // Archaeological Dialogues. A Journal for Debating Contemporary Archaeology. 2014. V. 21.1. P. 50-64.
28 . Rothe U. Romanization // The Encyclopedia of Ancient History / R.S. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C.B. Champion, A. Erskine, S. Huebner (eds.). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. P. 5875-5881.
29 . Baryshnikov A.E. Rimskaya Britaniya i problema romanizacii: krizis tradicionnoj koncepcii i diskussiya o novyh podhodah v sovremennom anglijskom antikovedenii // Vestnik NNGU. 2012. Vyp. 6 (3). S. 200-211.
30 . Terrenato N. The Romanization of Italy: global acculturation or cultural bricolage? // TRAC 97: Pro-ceedings of the Seventh Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Nottingham 1997 / C. Forcey, J. Hawthorne, R. Witcher (ed.). Oxford: Oxbow books, 1998. P. 20-27.
31 . Italy and the West. Comparative Issues in Romanization / S. Keay, N. Terrenato (ed.). Oxford: Oxbow books, 2001.
32 . Barrett J.C. Romanization: a critical comment // Dialogues in Roman Imperialism / D.J. Mattingly (ed.). Portsmouth, Rhode Island: Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series 23, 1997. P. 51-66.
33 . Mattingly D. An Imperial Possession. Britain in the Roman Empire. L., Penguin books, 2007.
34 . Terrenato N. Patterns of cultural change in Roman Italy. Non-elite religion and the defense of cultural self-consistency // Religi?se Vielfalt und soziale Integration. Die Bedeutung der Religion f?r die kulturelle Identit?t und die politische Stabilit?t im republikanischen Italien / M. Jehne, B. Linke, J. Rupke (ed.). Dresden: Verlag Antike, 2013. S. 43-60.
35 . Mullen A. Linguistic Evidence for ‘Romanization’: Continuity and Change in Romano-British Onomastics: A Study of the Epigraphic Record with Particular Reference to Bath // Britannia. 2007. V. 38. P. 35-61.
36 . Ivleva T.A. Britons Abroad. The mobility of Britons and the circulation of British-made objects in the Roman Empire. Ph.D. diss. Leiden University, 2012.
37 . Versluys M.J. Understanding objects in motion. An archaeological dialogue on Romanization // Archaeological Dialogues. A Journal for Debating Contemporary Archaeology. 2014. V. 21.1. P. 1-20.
38 . Archaeological Dialogues. A Journal for Debating Contemporary Archaeology. 2014. V. 21.1.
39 . Slofstra I. Batavians and Romans on the Lower Rhine. The Romanisation of a Frontier Area // Archaeological Dialogues. 2012. V. 9. P. 16-38.
40 . Wallace-Hadrill A. Rome’s Cultural Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
41 . Woolf G. Beyond Romans and Natives // World Archaeology. 1997. V. 28. P. 339-350.
42 . Woolf G. Becoming Roman. The origins of provincial civilization in Gaul. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
43 . Horden P., Purcell N. The Corrupting Sea. A Study of Mediterranean History. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2000.
44 . Gardner A. Thinking about Roman Imperialism: Postcolonialism, Globalisation and Beyond? // Britannia. 2013. V. 44. P. 1-25.
45 . Pitts M. Globalizing the local in Roman Britain: an anthropological approach to social change // Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 2008. V. 27. P. 493-506.
46 . Hingley R. Struggling with Roman Inheritance. A Response to Versluys // Archaeological Dialogues. A Journal for Debating Contemporary Archaeology. 2014. V. 21.1. P. 20-24.
47 . Hingley R. Globalizing Roman Culture. Unity, Diversity and Empire. L. - N.Y.: Routledge, 2005.
48 . Hingley R. Recreating Coherence Without Reinventing Romanization // Romanization? Digressus. The Internet Journal for the Classical World. Suppl. 1 / A.D. Merryweather, J.R.W. Prag (eds.). 2003. P. 111-119.
49 . Hodos T. Stage Settings for a Connected Scene. Globalization and Material-culture Studies in the Early First-millenium B.C.E. Mediterranean // Archaeological Dialogues. A Journal for Debating Contemporary Archaeology. 2014. V. 21.1. P. 24-30.
50 . Stek T. Roman Imperialism, Globalization and Romanization in Early Roman Italy. Research Questions in Archaeology and Ancient History // Archaeological Dialogues. A Journal for Debating Contemporary Archaeology. 2014. V. 21.1. P. 30-40.
51 . Gell A. Art and Agency. An Anthropological Theory. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.